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✔️ 標題 : Special Agent
✔️ 片長 :76 Minutes
✔️ 类型: 剧情, 犯罪
✔️ 語言 :粵語 (中文字幕)
✔️ 視頻解析度: 720p-1080p HD
✔️ 視頻格式 : mp4
✔️ 上映日期: 1935-09-14
✔️ 演員 :Bette Davis, George Brent, Ricardo Cortez, Jack La Rue, Henry O'Neill, Robert Strange, Joseph Crehan, J. Carrol Naish, Joe Sawyer, William B. Davidson / 更多...
Synopsis :
Special Agent 1935 IMDb ~ Directed by William Keighley With Bette Davis George Brent Ricardo Cortez Jack La Rue Newspaperman Bill Bradford becomes a special agent for the tax service trying to end the career of racketeer Alexander Carston Julie Gardner is Carstons bookkeeper Bradford enters Carstons organization and Julie cooperates with him to land Carston in jail
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